Factors Affecting Mental Health There are many factors

Factors Affecting Mental Health There are many factors


Factors Affecting Mental Health There are many factors that directly and indirectly affect a child’s mental health.  Some of it depends on the environment.  These factors should be studied step by step.  Hereditary factors Hereditary factors are included.  Physical condition, mental state or intelligence, professional ability, character.  Physical condition: According to psychologists, the physical constitution of a person is sometimes based on paternal inheritance.  a healthy mind in a healthy body.

If a weak body or a diseased body is inherited, it has an adverse effect on mental health.  Intelligence: Intelligence is also inherited.  An intelligent person can easily adapt to other individuals, situations and societies.  It can reduce mental agony by finding a way out of any situation.  Professional competence Some psychologists consider professional competence to be inherited.

Such a person gets job satisfaction by doing his duty honestly.  Character: The children of parents who have high character also have a high level of character. A person of high varna is restrained or restrained.

It has a wealth of qualities.  So he can live his life easily.  It can keep you mentally balanced and healthy. The life of a person whose character is weak is complicated in many ways.

He is prone to disorders, and often loses his composure, he always leads a life of fear, he is prone to mental stress and hence the mental peace that induces mental health can never be enjoyed.

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