Achievements are not achieved or released from its higher ions

   Achievements are not achieved or released from its higher ions

Problems and teens try to find solutions to various educational, vocational and religious issues.  Since Taruksh now considers himself an adult and responsible person, he wants to conduct his affairs independently.  Adolescence is a transition period of life. Thus a young person who has experienced many confusions and problems wants others to treat him with sympathy and affection.

 In adolescence, he stops in understanding the questions of society.  It inculcates the spirit of social service.  There is also a longing to make sacrifices for others.  He likes to join social service organizations, clubs or circles.  Even so, being a boss is still beyond the reach of the average person.  becomes authoritarian.S teeped in imagination, always striving for success.  Sometimes when his self breaks down, does not achieve the desired achievements or is not freed from his higher ions, he sinks into despair or despair, sometimes he loses his composure, his personality disagrees.  Therefore, such a person.

 This situation should be carefully handled in order to get proper advice and guidance.  Indian Adolescent – Personal and Social Problems of Adolescents This step of development is fraught with crisis for the youth. A storm rises in his life.  He builds Svapro’s buildings, he works hard to find the direction of life.  The problems faced by India’s teenagers are as follows: Ambiguous vision of the future: At this stage, Tassan is serving a bright future.

 He is constantly worried that in which direction he has to take his future, towards which goal, which career to choose, he does not have a clear vision about his future.  So he feels confused.  He cannot think clearly about his future.  So this is how it gets stuck.  He is constantly trying to draw a blueprint for the future.  This becomes problematic for him.  Adaptation Problems: Adolescents have adaptation problems. They cannot quickly adopt the realities of the society or the objectives of the realities of life, hence conflict arises in their mind.  They experience frustration and the result is sometimes seen in the form of mistrustful behavior.  This causes some behavioral problems.

Comes from home to get education from school.  The following factors in the school affect the mental health of the child: School Management: If the school is run in a democratic manner, the child develops happily and in a disciplined manner.  If there is a shortage of principals and teachers in the school and it is run in a dictatorial manner, it has adverse effect on the mental health of the children, they show resentment towards the school principals, teachers and the school.  Behavior of Principal and Teachers: Principal and teachers are the gods of children.

 In school he takes care of the needs of his parents.  The fact that school principals and teachers are sympathetic to children has a positive effect on mental health.  Neglect or grandparenting of children worsens children’s mental health.  School Environment: If the school environment is free and happy and harmonious and there is a relationship between the principal and the teacher, teacher and teacher, the principal-teacher-student helps in maintaining the mental balance of the children. 

 In schools that lack discipline, where there are no norms and conventions, and where there is conflict between school principals, teachers and staff, the mental health of students is adversely affected.  Teaching Methods: Children like to be active.  Sometimes teaching is done in school using common methods. If the teachers do not apply interesting techniques and methods according to the age of the children in the class, then the children get angry with the teaching.  In addition, some teachers constantly force their children to do their homework.  This condition has an adverse effect on the mental health of children.  Classroom Environment: Sometimes the classroom environment has an impact on the mental health of the children.

 Keeping children in the middle of other students in the class, making fun of them, physically punishing them, continuously neglecting them by teaching more students in the class, etc. worsens the mental health of the children.  Thus, the school environment, teachers, school traditions, school teaching methods and classroom environment have a profound effect on the mental health of the child.

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